
Sets the double-sided and facing-pages options on or off in the current publication. Deselects all selected objects and resets the zero point.

Command constructor

This class has two constructors.

PPageOptions(PMBool bDoubleSided, PMBool bFacingPages);

PMBool bDoubleSided;
false for single-sided pages
true for double-sided pages
PMBool bFacingPages;
false for non-facing pages
true for facing pages (turn facing pages on only if the double-sided option is also on)
PPageOptions(PGetPageOptions& pageOptions);
Use the corresponding PGetPageOptions query object to set the page options.
Zeropoint reset. When you switch to or from facing pages, PageMaker automatically resets the rulers' zero point to either the upper left corner of the page (facing pages off) or to the center top, where facing pages meet.

Layout view only. Use the PPageOptions command only in layout view.

Selected objects deselected. The PPageOptions command deselects any selected objects. It does not, however, deselect highlighted text (text selected with the text tool or PTextSelect command).

Example. The following example:

PPageSize(twips("8.5i"), twips("11i"));
PPageOptions(1, 1);
PPageMargins(twips("1i"), twips(".5i"), twips(".75i"), twips(".5i"));
PPageNumbers(1, -2, true, arabic, "I-");

See also

The PDefineMasterPage, PNew, PPageMargins, and PPageSize commands

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Document Setup

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